On Jan 23 22:31, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen:
> > I applied a patch which handles the characters 0x5c and 0cfe differently
> > if the charset is set to "SJIS"
> Something's going seriously wrong with this, and I'd suspect it's to
> do with turning backslashes into yen symbols.

Right.  It occured to me tonight that this will not work from a
filesystem point-of-view.  The people who decided to overload backslash
and tilde in the ASCII range with different symbols in SJIS still need
some serious knock on their heads.  No wonder the Microsoft guys kept
the binary values of characters intact, especially due to the backslash

> Not sure what could be done about it. Remove SJIS support in favour of CP932?

In theory, we could be able to keep SJIS support in.  The
Cygwin-internal function converting multibyte strings to Unicode
filenames would have to use CP932.  Only on the application level the
conversion would use SJIS.

There's no system API which takes wchar_t strings, so all strings are
exchanged between application and system using multibyte strings.  Since
the multibytes strings are the same, that should give a round-trip which
still works for Win32 filenames:

Input string:  "\x5e\xfe"

Application:     mbstowcs ("\x5e\xfe")      ==> L"\x00a5\x203e"
                 wcstombs (L"\x00a5\x203e") ==> "x5e\xfe"

Cygwin       sys_mbstowcs ("\x5e\xfe")      ==> L"\x005e\x007e"
             sys_wcstombs (L"\x005e\x007e") ==> "x5e\xfe"


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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