Dave Korn sent the following at Friday, January 22, 2010 6:38 PM
>On 22/01/2010 21:28, Don Beusee wrote:
>>> People don't care about implementation details.  They care about what
>> is running on the system (the WHOLE system).
>  You are speaking for yourself.  Not "everyone in the world".

(Larry, please excuse me for continuing.)


Let me second that motion.  I, for one, do not want the default to be
seeing everything on the machine.

Do you how many processes that can be?  Right now, here's what I get
eliminating ps and wc.
 - ps gives 2 processes.
 - ps -W gives 27.
 - Windows Task Manger gives 67.
I definitely don't was ps -W as the default.  I'd rather not have to
adjust scripts or even create an alias for ps.

When I want to kill a Windows process, I use Windows tools.  When I want
to kill a Cygwin process, I use Cygwin tools.  Sometimes that doesn't
work so I use a Windows tool (Task Manager) to kill a Cygwin process.

You are on Windows even though you want to be on Linux.  Most everyone
on this list can understand what that is like.  But the fact of the
matter is that you are on a Windows machine.  It is impossible to make
Windows go away.  It is impossible to make Windows behave exactly like
Linux.  I respectfully suggest that it will be to your advantage to try
to learn to live with Windows.  Or at least to adjust your expectations
of Cygwin.

Another point.  The Cygwin developers have been using Cygwin for years
and years.  They also use Linux.  Indeed, they include a current and a
former employee of Redhat.  Trust them.  If they tolerate a difference
between Cygwin and POSIX or Linux, there is
 - a good reason for it or
 - under the circumstances it is better that way or
 - they just haven't gotten around to working on it.

Good luck,

- Barry
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