Please help me out. I spent for three days but I still could install gcc in 
window on cygwin.

Problem is I could not install gcc file, 
(mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2), on cygwin in window platform.

I would like to unpack and intall gcc 
(mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2) on cygwin on window platform. I 
follow instruction posted on The problem I have found 
out is I could not process the configure step as below. The result shows "No 
such file or directory"
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../gcc-*/configure --enable-languages=c,c++
$ make
$ make install
May it be because of (1) setting srcdir or objdir non-correctly or (2) else ?
What I have done are:
1. Download gcc file and load it into /usr/build. Build subfolder is created by 
me. --> ( equal to $ mkdir build  and  $ cd build)
2. Unpack gcc tar.bz2 file (mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2) on that 
location. --> It generates trunk subfolder that contains some subfolder too.
3. $mkdir build  and $cd build --> current location is urs/build
4. $ ../trunk/configure --enable-languages=c,c++  --> It does not work. Error = 
"No such file or directory"
Comparing to what you recommend on ,
To configure GCC:
% mkdir objdir
% cd objdir
% srcdir/configure [options] [target]
You mentions that  objdir can not be a subdirectory of srcdir.  This is why I 
tried one more time with the different folder and the same level under usr 
folder. What I did are:

1. Download gcc (mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2) for window platform 
again into usr/tmp 
2. Unpack it in the usr/tmp/. The path result are approximately 

3. $cd build --> under usr folder --> current location is usr/build --> build 
is already created by me on the previous work.
4  command to configure -> 
$../mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2/configure --enable-language=c,c++ 
 --> Show error msg = "No such file or directory"
5. Try $ ../trunk/mingw-w64-trunk-snapshot-20091222.tar.bz2/configure 
--enable-language=c,c++  --> Show error msg = "No such file or directory". 
Please help me out. I don't why I could not and thank you very much,
Ps. I am pretty much new with cygwin and this is my first time.


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