On 16/02/2010 12:30, Jason Pyeron wrote:

>>> http://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/package-server.html but it seems 
>>> none of the entries in the http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst 
>> contain an rsync entry.
>>   See here: http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html, not mirrors.lst 
>> as linked from that page; rsync mirrors are filtered out from 
>> the .lst version because that's what setup.exe uses and it 
>> can't speak rsync.

> Thanks, sorry for the brain fart.

  It's not a brain fart to be misled, the package-server page really ought to
link to mirrors.html and not the filtered mirrors.lst.  (If you wanna say
sorry for anything, say sorry for feeding my email address to the spammers by
not snipping it out of your reply!)


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