On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Wes Barris <> wrote:
> mkpasswd -d would return all of the domain users (we have thousands).
> However, I know that these files are not owned by anyone else.
> The files in question are coming from a samba share (mapped network
> drive) served from a Linux system.
> Isn't there a way so see the SID of a file?
> --
> Wes Barris

You can use ls -n to see the user unique part of the SID or use the
Windows tool cacls to see the names in human readable format.

Using cacls is easier.

With ls -n you still have to reverse engineer the full SID and then
use some other tool to convert it to a user or group name.  Or use
mkpasswd / mkgroup to dump the entire domain and grep it for the bit
of SID you have.


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