I doubt if there is anything of significance in this case- unlikely
anyone cared really but there are several larger issues. Certainly you
could argue about clutter and quality control but "dumb" questions do
come up quite often. Revisionism and "cherry picking" are huge
problems in many areas and don't serve any greater good. People do
stupid things, and often those stupid things have value to others
beyond what they say about the original actors in the event.

So now you need to hire a censor to make free help available? LOL.

On 3/6/10, Robert Pendell <shi...@elite-systems.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 3:14 PM, mike marchywka wrote:
>> What?You guys did an edit? I think I can speak as
>> the leader for "people who post stupid things" and
>> normally you just look back and cringe or laugh.
>> That is what learning is all about.
>> IF you posted deep questions, people would charge to provide
>> answers. Simple questions often help others with similar
>> misunderstandings. Revisionism just for the heck
>> of it seems to create all kinds of problems.
> The policy affects the contents of the archive mostly.  It basically
> says that anything in the archive stays there and can't be edited or
> removed once it gets there.  In other words there are no redactions
> made after the post is committed.
> Generally speaking though wanting to or actually removing/modifying
> statements already made public draws extra attention and tends to
> cause the opposite of what is intended.
> Robert Pendell
> shi...@elite-systems.org
> CAcert Assurer
> "A perfect world is one of chaos."
> --
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note new address 2009-12-16:
Mike Marchywka
1975 Village Round
Marietta GA 30064
415-264-8477 (w)<- use this
404-788-1216 (C)<- leave message
989-348-4796 (P)<- emergency only
Note: If I am asking for free stuff, I normally use for hobby/non-profit
information but may use in investment forums, public and private.
Please indicate any concerns if applicable.
Note: hotmail is censoring incoming mail using random criteria beyond
my control and often hangs my browser
but all my subscriptions are here..., try also marchy...@yahoo.com

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