> But it used to work.  I noticed this after updating to the latest release.
> If the drive-letter form of the pathname is not acceptable to the tool, it
> should complain, but (like most Cygwin utilities) it probably doesn't care 
> about
> the syntax of the pathname, as long as open(2) accepts it.
> --
> Fran

According to http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#using-pathnames,
Cygwin supports both Win32 and POSIX file paths and they are
translated internally on-the-fly as needed.

It also specifically mentions this:
"POSIX operating systems (such as Linux) do not have the concept of
drive letters. Instead, all absolute paths begin with a slash (instead
of a drive letter such as "c:") and all file systems appear as
subdirectories (for example, you might buy a new disk and make it be
the /disk2 directory)."

By the way, when you said "updating to the latest release" do you mean
you upgraded a 1.5 installation to 1.7.1 or a 1.7.1 to some newer
version of 1.7.1?

I ask because 1.5 stored mount table information in the Windows
registry and 1.7.x uses an /etc/fstab file which you can read about
here http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table and here


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