Scott Little:
>> Where do you get that idea from that CMOV is optional? Yes, there's a
>> CPUID feature bit representing CMOV, but that's always set on the
>> i686, its descendants, and compatible processors. Pre-Nehemiah C3s are
>> not fully 686-compatible, simple as that.
> Old flamewars, eg.

Right. So what's the point of trying to reheat those? The GCC
developers didn't change the definition of i686 to "Pentium Pro minus
the features missing from Via's mislabelled 586" back then, so they
sure won't do that now.

The only vaguely interesting argument to be had here is whether Cygwin
1.7 should still be built for i586.

>> Maybe so, but you can't then go out and demand that everyone else
>> doesn't use those features.
> True, but I can tell the noisier advocates claiming open source can save
> my old hardware to STFU ;)

I'm always glad to see a nice big straw man knocked down with such conviction.

Different projects obviously make different decisions about what
hardware to support. For 586 support, try Cygwin 1.5. Or ditch Windows
and use Debian instead. Or, just to make sure we've got the big
clichés covered, compile 1.7 yourself.


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