On 25/03/2010 09:02, Jonathan Cummings wrote:
> Sir/Madam, 

  Please feel free not to stand on formality round here :)

> Is it possible to get a setup.ini file to use along side
> setup.exe to allow us to install cygwin on multiple servers in our
> organisation?  -I would then like to add the details of the packages to be
> installed in to the setup.ini file for a silent installation across network
> on to our windows servers. 

  Setup.exe doesn't use a .ini file, but it does accept command-line arguments
to do all the things you want, so instead of a .ini file you could just
distribute a .bat file that contained the correct invocation.

  If you run "setup.exe --help", it will (according to windows version) output
help instruction either to the console or to a setup.log file in the current

> Command Line Options:
>  -D --download                          Download from internet
>  -L --local-install                     Install from local directory
>  -s --site                              Download site
>  -O --only-site                         Ignore all sites except for -s
>  -R --root                              Root installation directory
>  -P --packages                          Specify packages to install
>  -C --categories                        Specify entire categories to install
>  -p --proxy                             HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
>  -q --quiet-mode                        Unattended setup mode
>  -M --package-manager                   Semi-attended chooser-only mode
>  -h --help                              print help
>  -l --local-package-dir                 Local package directory
>  -r --no-replaceonreboot                Disable replacing in-use files on next
>                                         reboot.
>  -X --no-verify                         Don't verify setup.ini signatures
>  -n --no-shortcuts                      Disable creation of desktop and start
>                                         menu shortcuts
>  -N --no-startmenu                      Disable creation of start menu 
> shortcut
>  -d --no-desktop                        Disable creation of desktop shortcut
>  -K --pubkey                            Path to extra public key file (gpg
>                                         format)
>  -S --sexpr-pubkey                      Extra public key in s-expr format
>  -u --untrusted-keys                    Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys
>  -U --keep-untrusted-keys               Use untrusted keys and retain all
>  -A --disable-buggy-antivirus           Disable known or suspected buggy anti
>                                         virus software packages during
>                                         execution.

  You're going to want -q for automated installation and then your choice of
-P or -C options for the set of packages you want installed.


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