--- Gio 25/3/10, Rance Hall  ha scritto:

> Marco Atzeri 
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Hi Rance,
> > Setup is a program and as such has its own fixed bugs
> and
> > feature improvements that require updated release.
> >
> > See here from the source the Changelog
> >
> > http://sources.redhat.com/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/setup/ChangeLog?rev=2.693&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup&cvsroot=cygwin-apps
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > Marco
> >
> Thanks to both Marco and Dave for the link.
> I thought I had an idea for a script that would autoupdate
> cygwin on a
> weekly basis that can be used for network deployment etc.
> The two basic things I was having trouble wrapping my head
> around are
> checking setup to see if you need a new one and is this
> worth it.
> Maybe the easiest thing to do would be calculate a checksum
> from setup
> and check the web to see if it matches.
> then the next item is to check the packages list from
> cygwin somehow
> and then check the web to see if an update needs to be
> applied.
> I'm thinking the best place to run this script is from
> within cygwin
> itself.  windows scripting has precious few options
> that help me do
> any real work.  then the challenge would be to somehow
> trigger the
> setup run in windows after cygwin exits.

make a simple windows bat file and run it from cmd.exe

cd c:\cygwin\bin
bash -l -e "your_bash_script"
cd c:\your_setup_dir\cygwin
setup "all your options"

in this way setup will run after bash completes 
the script.
And you can also shutdown the cygwin services
adding at the end of the bash script something like

for k in `cygrunsrv -L`
      cygrunsrv -E $k

> I'm sure that this has been done before, but I'm doing this
> as an
> intellectual learning exercise too so I didn't mention the
> script when
> asking the question.
> Rance



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