> I must be missing the joke.

no, you finally answered the question. I didn't know they were non
existent until I checked the headers. Not being familiar with the
issue I thought they might exist if I set the flag.

>>Grepping through the pthread header however I don't see any indication
>>the things the compiler is complaining about exist. It seems however
>>the _GNU_SOURCE flag comes up in many headers in the include dir.
> You're conflating things here.  This has nothing to do with _GNU_SOURCE.
> Defining _GNU_SOURCE isn't going to cause nonexistent functions to show
> up.  The fact that you can't find the functions in a header file should
> be a clue.  The functions simply don't exist on Cygwin.

I could have missed something and maybe I just needed to install something
new or dropped a package- they didn't have to be in a pthread header...
. So I guess then the question is what replaces this or if you have a link to
the issues here- why aren't these part of cygwin?


> cgf
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