On 3/29/2010 11:02 AM, Tomasz Pona wrote:
> Quick problem explanation:
> - doing "telnet localhost" (and not only localhost)
> - connection process and remote session control is 100% OK
> however...
> - getting a space before every entered character (even during login)
> - backspace doesn't remove characters but otherwise seems to work (typing
> garbage, deleting it and hitting ENTER produces clean prompt, while garbage
> stays in previous line)

Known problem, and no, it is not fixed in this release. I had hoped to
get to it, but was not able to do so. It is documented in

> User reports:
> Achuth Sankar A
> http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-inetut...@gnu.org/msg01170.html
> and private email. Not sure yet whether OP is using cygwin port
> of server or client or both (seems likely it is both, but...)
>     | 1)  Backspace won't work if we do telnet localhost. Or terminal in
>     |     which TERM=cygwin is set.
> [csw]: Still present in this release. Will look into it later

As well as in this message:
pre-[ANNOUNCEMENT]: Updating inetutils and related packages

> ++++> telnet. still has problems when (a) connecting from cygwin telnet
> client to cygwin telnet server, AND (b) the cygwin telnet client is
> running in a cmd box.  All other permutations seem to be fine.  I'll
> track this problem down eventually

However, as far as I can tell, you ONLY get this problem when connecting
between a cygwin telnet client (on any machine, including localhost) and
a cygwin telnet server (on any machine), AND you're running the client
in a DOS box.  Use mintty, and no problems. Use rxvt/xterm/urxvt == no
problems.  Use putty, a non-cygwin client, and no problems.  Heck, use
the *microsoft* telnet client, and no problems. (So, it's not a tty issue).

Also, using the cygwin telnet client, even in a DOS box, to contact a
non-cygwin telnet server == no problems.

So...you have plenty of workarounds.  And I'll try to get to this with
the release of the standalone telnet/telnet-server packages in the future.


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