I also have this problem since one or two months: when I try to telnet 
to my win2k box from another host (or from the same machine) I have to 
wait approx. 1 min. before the login prompt displays (but I see 
"Trying", "Connected" and "Escape character is '^]'" immediately).

Launching "in.telnetd -debug" doens't work for me: it immediately asks 
to me username and password but no credentials are accepted 
(administrator, non-administrator, no user is accepted).

On the contrary rlogin works properly (I always wait 5/6 seconds before 
the password prompt, but it works).

Trying to better understand the problem I used File Monitor from 
sysinternals (www.sysinternals.com) a free tool that monitors access to 
file system by windows processes.

All access made by telnet, telnetd, etc. seems to be ok, but I saw a 
suspect operation:

process:                        System:1876
operation:                      IRP_MJ_CREATE
file:                           \\.terminfo\IPC$
returncode:                     BAD NETWORK PATH
other information:      Attributes: N Options: OpenIf

This operation is performed by System process every 3/4 seconds for 
several times.
This does not happen for rlogin.

Can anyone explation what does it means and if it can be correlated to 
our problem?

Danilo Turina
Alcatel Optics OND Network Management
Rieti (Italy) - Phone: +39 746 600332

1 anno 6 mesi 5 giorni 53 minuti 58 secondi

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