Dave Korn wrote:
> On 03/04/2010 06:51, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
>> Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>>> A "silent" install might be cool but I can also see that it would be
>>> useful to allow to user to browse though some of the optional packages.
>>> For example, while maybe not everybody would want gcc and make, some
>>> may. Or perhaps they want Perl or Apache. However I want to make sure
>>> that ssh is installed (it'd be nice if I could automate the running
>>> ssh-host-config, for example) so that I can ssh into their machine to
>>> fix things.
>> I think that if you leave off the silent install option that your other
>> selections set by command line options are respected in the UI, so the
>> extra packages you select will show as selected by default once the user
>> arrives at the package selection page.  Unfortunately, you have to trust
>> your users to correctly hit the Next button on every page without
>> changing anything until they get to the package selection page.  Whether
>> or not that trust is warranted is between you and your users. ;-)
>   Sounds like you want the shiny new -M/--package-manager option.

Nice!  I must have overlooked that option when I created my silent
install batch file.  My users aren't clamoring for additional package
selection yet, but if they ever do, it will be great to have this feature.


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