"Larry Hall (Cygwin)" <reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com> writes:

> Choose the "Category" view and select the cycling arrow widget by "X11"
> until it shows "Uninstall".

When I try that, I then see the following warning:

  "Warning! Unmet Dependencies Found"

Here are the first few:

| font-bitstream-dpi75
|   required by xorg-x11-fnts
| font-encodings
|   required by xorg-x11-fenc
| hicolor-icon-theme
|   required by gnome-icon-theme
| libcairo-devel
|   required by lipango1.0-devel
| libcairo2
|   required by ligs8, pango1.0, python-cairo

There are many more concerning fonts, GTK, and even xorg-11-xwin. If I'm
asking for all X-related packages to be removed, why would I want to
retain a package like xorg-x11-xwin and satisfy its dependency on

Steven E. Harris

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