----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Schutter"
To: cygwin
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 15:29

|I have attached cronbug.txt as per the cron-config instructions.
| Note that the original cronbug.txt was over 5MB.  I edited cronbug.txt and 
removed 46000 lines 
of cronevents output.  Is there any way of cleaning out old cron entries from 
the event log?
| On Fri 2010-04-16 13:42, Tom Schutter wrote:
| > I have number of machines running Windows2003 and Cygwin 1.7.5.  On most 
cron works.  But on 
one (lemon) it does not.  It appears that on lemon cron cannot switch the user 
| >
| > Cronevents on lemon shows:
| >
| > 2010/04/15 17:19:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 656: (tschutter) CMD 
| > 2010/04/15 17:19:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 656: (CRON) error (can't 
switch user 
| >
| > /var/log/cron.log is empty on all machines.
| >
| > The cron daemon is running as SYSTEM on all machines.
| >
| > cyglsa is running on all machines.
| >


I should perhaps modify cronbug to use "tail" with cronevents, but it's unusual 
to see
a report that cron is broken yet there are 46000 lines in the log!
I assume cron used to work, then something happened and it stopped working.
Or there is something special about the tschutter account.
Can you identify the "something" ?
Any difference between the lemon and the others?

It's  most likly not a cron problem, but something to do with cyglsa. I have 
used it, don't have a system like yours to test and there is no such previous 
So not sure what to recommend.
Does password-less ssh work for tschutter ?
If you can't identify the "something", you could try to strace cron on the lemon
and on another machine. Here is the recipe.

Stop the cron service.
Use a simple crontab that runs every minute, for only one user.
Using cygrunsrv, create a new service runing "strace" with argument "cron" 
under SYSTEM
1)  cygrunsrv -I trace_cron -p /usr/bin/strace -a /usr/sbin/cron
2)  cygrunsrv -S trace_cron
3)  Let this run for no more than 2 minutes, output will be in 
     You may have to use kill -9 to stop the service (kill the cron pid)
4)  Send the trace_cron.log file as an attachment.
5)  Remove the trace_cron service
Restart cron


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