On 4/23/2010 3:10 PM, Brad Bell wrote:
> I am having trouble with the current subversion under cygwin; i.e., 
> subversion-1.6.11-1 in setup.exe.
> Symptom 1: 
> When I enter the command
>    svn --version
> subversion returns with out printing anything.
> Symptom 2:
> When I enter the command
>    strace svn --version
> strace responds with a dialog box. The title of the box is
>    svn.exe - Entry Point Not Found
> and the message in the box is
>    Thhe proceduure entry point accept4 count not be located in the dynamic 
> link library cygwin1.dll

It looks like something went wrong with your cygwin installation.
cygcheck says that you have the cygwin-1.7.5-1 package installed, but
the version of c:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll is 1.7.1. accept4 was added to
cygwin1 after 1.7.1, so that explains the error you're seeing.

Try shutting down all Cygwin processes and reinstalling the cygwin
package. (I like to use "handle" from Windows SysInternals to ensure
I've got all cygwin processes stopped.)

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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