2010/5/2 Andrew Dunstan :
> On Cygwin version 1.7.5 I am trying to run set up a member of the PostgreSQL
> Buildfarm <http://www.pgbuildfarm.org/cgi-bin/show_status.pl>. We have a
> current Cygwin member (run by me) using Cygwin version 1.5.25, which for the
> most part runs without major problems.
> The good news is that even on the latest code, both stable and development,
> PostgreSQL builds and its core regression tests run with 100% success.
> The bad news is that I get a segfault when trying to run the regression
> tests for the embedded PLPerl language. The test fails when it tries to load
> Postgres' plperl.dll.

Hi Andrew,

This is because cygwin perl is compiled with gcc-4 and -fstack-protector
and you are trying with gcc-3 without -fstack-protector.

Installing gcc-4 and doing the configure with
CC=gcc-4 should do the trick.

Reini Urban
perl and postgresql maintainer :)

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