On 5/4/2010 7:31 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Ken Brown!

But I've tried to move Cygwin folders earlier in Path...

[C:\]$set PATH&&   lynx

Your path indicates that you have a lot of non-cygwin software inside
your cygwin installation (under C:/usr).  That seems like a bad idea to me.

Wasn't an issue to now, not to mention, it's not installed in cygwin folders,
rather, in their own places. It's just easier for me to keep track of all
tools I need to migrate when reinstalling system.

Error opening terminal: cygwin.


And the same when trying to start it from bash command prompt:

bash-3.2$ lynx
Error opening terminal: cygwin.

Meh... Any good idea what to delete in attempt to fix this?

As cgf said, maybe you aren't running cygwin's lynx.  Did you install
cygwin's lynx package?  What does 'cygcheck -c lynx' show?  What does
'which lynx' show?

Surprized... It show nothing, although the setup.exe states that lynx 2.8.5-4
is installed.
And only lynx that could be installed is a Cygwin one, i'm not using any other
unix tools packages.
I think it's the time to reinstall it all... yet again...
I just did it when 1.7 came out, but seems it wasn't enough.

Since you're having problems, wouldn't it make sense to do a standard installation in C:/cygwin?


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