Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> On May  5 06:21, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> Matthias Meyer wrote:
>> > 2) In the opposite to V1.5.25 "ls -alh /cygdrive/c/users/" shows the
>> > Vista Junction points like linux soft links. That is nice :-)
>> > But the Windows Program "attrib /S /D" will follow this symbolic links
>> > and therefore it comes into an endless loop. e.g.:
>> > C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Application
>> > Data\.. This behaviour will take place too if I run it with "cmd /c
>> > attrib" Both above means by running it within a bash shell. If I run
>> > attrib from a cmd box it work correct.
>> I don't see how that could possibly be the fault of Cygwin or bash.
>> It's a Windows program dealing with a Windows filesystem feature. Sure
>> you're actually running the same 'attrib' in both environments?
> It could be a result of running attrib once in a normal and once in an
> elevated shell.

Sorry for my english ;-( An elevated shell means a shell with enhanced
> Otherwise, the only difference as far as I can see is the fact that the
> user token attrib inherited from the Cygwin shell has more user rights
> enabled.  Namely the backup and restore rights, which allows to access
> files and directories which are not available by default.  However, this
> only works in an elevated shell, too.
> However, it's not Cygwin's fault that attrib is not up to speed with
> circular symlinks on an OS which allows them.
> Corinna
It seems to be the backup and restore rights. I can run a cmd as
administrator and attrib don't run into the endless loop.
Also I can run sh from a normal user and attrib will work right.
Only if I run attrib within a process with the backup and restore rights
attrib will run into this endless loop :-(

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