On May  6 17:19, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On May  6 10:21, Stephen Morton wrote:
> > We have a gcc 3.4.6 cross-compiler that is an essential part of our
> > development environment that does not work under cygwin 1.7
> > (+Win7-64). Somehow cc.exe is not able to execv cc1.exe.
> > 
> > I'm stumped and any insight you can give me would be much appreciated.
> > 
> > Note: the fact that the program that is failing is a compiler might
> > cause some confusion. The cygwin gcc is not failing. What's failing
> > (failing to execv a sub-program) is just a tool that I'm running that
> > just happens to be a compiler.
> Unfortunately the information you're giving isn't enough to figure out
> what happens.  This is the interesting snippet in the strace output:
> >   152  114745 [main] cc386 2960 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path:
> > conv_to_win32_path (/usr/local/companytools/gcc34/x86/cc1.exe)
> >   157  114902 [main] cc386 2960 set_flags: flags: binary (0x2)
> > --- Process 2960, exception C0000005 at 6110721F
> >   296  115198 [main] cc386 2960 exception::handle: In
> > cygwin_except_handler exc 0xC0000005 at 0x6110721F sp 0x28A2DC
> So we know there's a SEGV at address 0x6110721F, which is inside the
> memcpy function in 1.7.5, and it has been called from within a Cygwin
> function.  The Cygwin function mount_info::conv_to_win32_path is called
> very often in fact, so this seems to be an unlikely border case.
> This doesn't tell us much about the root cause.  Apparently
> cc386 supresses core dumps (or rather, stackdumps in our case).  If
> there's a call to setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, ...), it would make sense
> to disable this and try to create a stackdump.
> What you also could try is to install the Cygwin sources and then use
> the CYGWIN=error_start facility to start GDB when the error occurs, see
> http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-cygwinenv.html

Oh, btw., did you try the latest developer snapshot from
http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ ?  There's always the chance this problem
is fixed in CVS.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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