I have an odd occurrence on my Win 7 x64 system with Cygwin 1.7.5.

When I create files, I may set the permissions to 644 or 755.  However, after 
a period of time, I went to edit one of those files in vi and it said that the 
file is read-only.  I did an ls -l and was shocked to find that many of the 
directories have been changed to d--------- and files to ----------, which I 
did not do.  The only way that I can change those permissions is to open an 
rxvt/bash window in administrator mode and then chmod, even though I am listed 
as the owner.

I don't see a pattern to which files get changed and which are left alone.

Is anyone else having this windoze automagic permission change scenario and 
does anyone know what to do to stop it?


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