On 5/14/10 8:23 AM, Matthias Meyer wrote:
I am looking for a solution to a aimiliar problem the last week.
In my case I found and solve two mistakes:

1) usernames in v1.5 are case insensitive but not in v1.7.5. e.g. ssh
me...@cygwinhost is not the same as ssh me...@cygwinhost

2) sshd_config:
"AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys" is not the same
as "#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys".
I have to remark the line in v1.7.5 but not in v1.5.

I have been using case sensitive naming and
the  AuthorizedKeysFile  line was commented out even in 1.5.

Are there other ideas?

Would it help if SSH was set up from scratch again?

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