I keeping having 'make' error out on me in ways similar to this:

c:/VS.NET2005/vc/bin/mt.exe /nologo /manifest 
c:/foo/bar/Unidirectional_1.t.exe.manifest /outputresource:'c:/foo/bar/Unidirec
C:\bin\gnumake.exe[2]: *** [c:/foo/bar/Unidirectional_1.t.exe] Error 31
C:\bin\gnumake.exe[2]: *** Deleting file `c:/foo/bar/Unidirectional_1.t.exe'
C:\bin\gnumake.exe[2]: Leaving directory `C:/foo/bar'
C:\bin\gnumake.exe[1]: *** [bar.build_tests] Error 2
C:\bin\gnumake.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/foo'
C:\bin\gnumake.exe: *** [foo.build_tests] Error 2

It doesn't seem to me like 'mt.exe' is failing and so I can't figure out 
why 'make' is failing.  If I simply rerun the command without changing 
anything, it works just fine the second time.  Thanks in advance for any help.

Here is the version information.

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 DamienDesktop 1.7.5(0.225/5/3) 2010-04-12 19:07 i686 Cygwin

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