On 2010-05-25 03:30, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
Magnus Holmgren writes:
     >  When running setup.exe, I noticed that this package includes a lot of 
     >  dependencies, for Gnome (libORBit2_0, libglib2.0_0...), X (libX11_6...) 
and a
     >  few other things. In all, almost 20 packages. Are they really needed? 
Or is this
     >  some packaging mistake?

The dependencies coming from setup.hint are:

   requires: libexpat1 libgcc1 libintl8 libproxy0 openssl zlib0

so I don't see this.

libproxy pulls in these packages as dependencies for its GNOME and KDE integration modules. libproxy was added as a libsoup-gnome dependency, for which these deps are anyways required. But if neon is going to use libproxy as well, these modules are not strictly required, so I removed their deps from libproxy0/setup.hint (and from the upcoming libproxy1 as well).


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