On 27/05/2010 11:48, Andrei Dmitriev wrote:
> ** Hello,
> after I installed the cygwin on May 19 the bash console don't recognize
> *********BACKSPACE***** and continue to follow to the right each time I
> press BACKSPACE.
> Although, seem it actually erases the chars from the left (ENTER says
> nothing - so I concluded the command is empty).

  MKS tools are interfering with Cygwin, because of these environment variable

> TERM = 'nutc'
> TERMCAP = 'D:\PROGRA~1\MKSTOO~1\etc\termcap'
> TERMINFO = 'D:\PROGRA~1\MKSTOO~1\usr\lib\terminfo'

  You need to remove them from the environment, and should set your PATH so it
doesn't have both Cygwin and MKS at the same time.


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