On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 06:56:48PM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>On 07/06/2010 22:17, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> Maybe this has been discussed and I just don't remember but why are /bin
>> and /usr/bin included in the default path in /etc/profile?  Since they
>> point to the same directory that just slows bash down a little when
>> finding files not in /bin.
>  Some things try to access $0/../share/....
>  Since $prefix=/usr for cygwin, /usr/bin is the expected location.  There's
>no alias for /share like there is for /bin and /lib.

That's an argument for having a path which includes /usr/bin.  It doesn't
explain why both are needed.


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