On 2010-06-22 23:44Z, Gregg Levine wrote:
> I've been trying to update this 1.7.5 release of Cygwin since 11AM
> EDT, based on the multiple announcements of updated packages.

That was nine hours ago. Propagation time could be twelve hours
if everything is working as described here:

| New mirrors should rsync directly from cygwin.com at least twice a day.

> Eventually after several repeated tries there, I waited until a few
> minutes ago here, and decided to try again. This time it happened
> again with the addition of the mirror based at the Open Software
> repository at the Oregon State University.

Try inspecting individual mirrors (see the link above). I've had good
luck with heanet, so I downloaded this file (announced here today):
and it matches the md5sum given--so try that mirror.

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