Michael Ludwig schrieb am 27.06.2010 um 11:55 (+0200):

> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygwin\Installations]
> "c5e39b7a9d22bafb"="\\??\\C:\\cygwin"
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygwin\Program Options]
> "rootdir"="C:\\cygwin"
> -------------------------
> Looks like I should be able to fix those paths after moving C:\cygwin.

I copied C:\cygwin to T: instead of reinstalling. Here's a list of
things I had to fix (or fixed preemptively):

* fixed the above registry settings
* fix shortcuts to setup.exe/cygwin/rxvt/MinTTY in start menu:
  right-click and select "Eigenschaften" ("properties")
* edited T:\Cygwin\cygwin.bat to include correct paths
* edited my Windows Vim configuration which sourced files from my Cygwin
  Vim configuration

The root directory in setup.exe is displayed correctly. Seems to depend
on the registry setting. The "Local Package Directory" path, however,
which I copied from G:\CygVar to T:\CygVar, needs fixing. Maybe another
registry setting someplace else.

Haven't done any testing, but so far it seems to be working.
Michael Ludwig

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