On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 08:35:53AM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
>On 06/29/2010 08:34 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> Eric Blake wrote:
>>> Phooey.  dash now depends on cyggcc_s-1.dll, so rebaseall needs to be
>>> taught to add this library to the list of exemptions (similar to
>>> cygwin1.dll).
>> Or dash could be rebuilt using -static-libgcc.  It's not like dash needs
>> to worry about throwing C++ exceptions across DLL boundaries, and if
>> dash is meant to be a /bin/sh implementation (even if cygwin still uses
>> bash for that), then IMO it ought to be -- insofar as is possible --
>> statically linked.
>OK, I'm now trying to figure out how to add -static-libgcc into my
>cygport file.  Look for an updated dash later today...

In the meantime, you might want to consider linking dash with -static-libgcc.


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