On 6/29/2010 7:50 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> The files /usr/include/rpc/rpc.h and /usr/include/rpc/svc.h are provided
> by the sunrpc package.  Unfortunaltey Sam has resigned from the sunrpc
> package maintainership and nobody has picked it up yet, so it's an
> orphaned package which is in need of a maintainer.

I've got cygwin builds of
   libtirpc  rpcbind  rpcgen
which, together, replace and obsolete sunrpc. I just haven't had the
time thoroughly test them such that I'd be comfortable releasing them
into the wild.

But sunrpc itself is...extremely old, which is why these replacement
packages are used on other platforms in preference to it.


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