On 7/2/2010 9:22 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul  1 17:14, Lee Rothstein wrote:
I got bitten by the misconfig of gnome-canvas on kernel.org.

That plus, bandwidth shenanigans by Comcast, and probably
some errors in my recovery process left me with a bunch of
missing pieces from sundry packages.

I've fixed all the problems except for 'mutt' and 'perl-ming'
(jeff? ;-)).

No amount of reinstalling, uninstalling and installing seems
to fix these residual problems.

Clues greatly appreciated!

Attached is my 'cygcheck' output.

As long as I'm asking questions, why does 'cygcheck' no
longer properly list?:

   Last downloaded files to: ”'
   Last downloaded files from: ”'
Oh, hmm.  The latest versions of setup have changed the way
the information is stored, but cygcheck doesn't yet know that.
It still looks in the old places.  This needs fixing...

I presume you're saying that the cygcheck problem is caused by the
information being stored in a new locations, but not the mutt and perl-ming
install issues?!

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