None, usually.  Just call `rebaseall' from a dash(!) shell, with no
other process running.

That's what I did. Still no luck running "top".

In a plain bash I still get:
u...@box ~
$ top
5 [main] top 5780 sig_send: wait for sig_complete event failed, signal 6,
rc 258, Win32 error 0

In xterm-windows only "Aborted" is printed. For both, I get a stackdump-file (see attachment).

Thanks to all of you who got involved so far. Philipp.

Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0028B734  75811184  (00000234, 0000EA60, 00000000, 0028B858)
0028B748  75811138  (00000234, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 0028B83C)
0028B858  610C2643  (00000000, 00000234, 0028B878, 00000000)
0028B938  610BF2F7  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
0028B988  610BF70B  (00001694, 0028B9B0, 72FD0000, 0028BBC0)
0028BA48  610BF831  (00001694, 00000006, 0028BA78, 610BF8D5)
0028BA58  610BF86C  (00000006, 0028CE80, 00004004, 610EF893)
0028BA78  610BF8D5  (00000000, 00000019, 00D3B718, C0000004)
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=610263A7
eax=610ED58D ebx=6115F0C0 ecx=00008008 edx=0000800C esi=00000008 edi=008FCC80
ebp=008FC8E8 esp=008FC8E0 program=C:\Programs\cygwin\bin\top.exe, pid 5780, 
thread sig
cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
008FC8E8  610263A7  (6115F0C0, 61196B05, C0000004, 00000000)
008FC908  61027457  (0028B71C, 00000001, 00000001, 00000000)
008FC938  61027FA5  (00000064, 008FC974, 00000000, 00000000)
008FCC58  610285BE  (000000F0, 008FCC80, 000000A4, 008FCD28)
008FCD38  610C324B  (6115E0A0, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
008FCD68  61003FE1  (00000000, 00000000, 00000000, 61004874)
End of stack trace
      5 [main] top 5780 sig_send: wait for sig_complete event failed, signal 6, 
rc 258, Win32 error 0

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