On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 12:12 PM, Marco Atzeri <marco_atz...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> --- Mar 13/7/10, Mirko Vukovic ha scritto:
>> Hello,
>> this is a follow-up on the topic of gs and missing
>> libraries:
>> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-07/msg00104.html
>> I have the same problem, and I tried to solve it by
>> installing
>> libjpeg6b.  In the original post, the problem was
>> solved by installing
>> libjpeg-62-6b-21 from the `obsolete branch'.
>> Where is that obsolete branch?  (I have cygjpeg6b.dll
>> and
>> cygjpeg-62.dll in my cygwin-1.5 tree.  Should I try
>> those?)
> using setup.exe on "Select packages" window there is
> at the left bottom a ticked box "Hide obsolete packages" .
> Remove the tick and the libjpeb62 package version 6b-21
> will appear as available.
>> Thank you,
>> Mirko
> Regards
> Marco

Thanks.  It worked and fixed the problem.


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