"xorg-server" and "xinit" aren't required, but only thing I got to work with Cygwin. I have to be honest, I don't know how to use Git, CVS, or even Subversion; but I know some things require them so I added them! Gzip and Bzip2 are both installed by default (I didn't post the entire list as it's getting big because I'm trying to figure out the requirements for gnash - some of the requirements can't be found.).

I'm not familiar with RPM(there deb/apt-get for cygwin?), but would that help build stuff? Say you find an rpm of firefox, would that find all the necessary requirements and install along with firefox (If that's really what happens)?

I guess I'd like to make Cygwin as close to an actual linux install as I can (a step before I fully commit to linux).

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