On 23/07/2010 21:23, Beau Nanaz wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have a new Windows-7 machine and one of the first things I downloaded
> was Cygwin, making sure to include a2ps and ps2pdf.
> Unlike the flawless running (after diddling $HOME/.a2ps/a2psrc) I had
> under my previous XP box, This one is misbehaving: It does nothing
> visible, even for a2ps --version.  

  Try installing libintl2.  a2ps.exe depends on that very old version but
doesn't mention it explicitly in its setup.hint dependencies.  (Probably it
used to get pulled in by default anyway by some other package but now the last
other thing that used to use v2 of libintl has been updated to a more recent
one so there's nothing left to cause it to be installed any more.)


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