
I have the following perl script that attempts to connect (from native Windows) to an sshd server (either localhost, which is a Cygwin sshd server, or a remote linux host)
and create a Net::SSH2::SFTP object.

use warnings;
use Net::SSH2;

my ($host, $user, $pass) = qw(blah blah blah);

my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new;
die "can't connect" unless $ssh2->connect($host);

print "Connected\n";

die "can't authenticate"
unless $ssh2->auth(username => $user,
                   password => $pass);

print "Authenticated\n";

my $sftp = $ssh2->sftp;
print $sftp, "\n"; # Line 19


Works fine when connecting to the sshd server on the remote linux box. The script
then outputs:

C:\_32\pscrpt\net-ssh2>perl cygwin.pl

But when I modify the script to connect to the Cygwin sshd server I get:

C:\_32\pscrpt\net-ssh2>perl cygwin.pl
Use of uninitialized value $sftp in print at cygwin.pl line 19.

No problem with the connection or the authentication, but the call to
$ssh2->sftp is clearly failing.

First thing that comes to mind is that I might need to install/run something
additional for SFTP to be enabled on Cygwin. All I've done is install
cygrunsrv and openssh, and then start the openssh server with 'net start
sshd'. Did I miss something ?

Second thing that comes to mind is that connecting via user cyg_server (using the password I created when I ran 'ssh-host-config -y') might not be the right thing to do. Is it ?

Third thing that comes to mind is that it might be permissions related.

Advice welcome.

I'm also unable to upload files to the Cygwin installation using SCP. (Again, no problems with SCP when connected to the remote linux box.)


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