On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 06:45:41PM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>On 26 July 2010 18:09, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>> If we wanted to do something like this I think it would have to be a
>>>> separate dialog where the user makes a decision about what they want.
>>>> Either that or a list of packages to update would always be presented
>>>> so that people wouldn't be surprised.
>>>Agreed, but of course that'd need substantial design and
>>>implementation work, so realistically it isn't gonna happen.
>> AFAIK, the latter, where a list of what's being updated is shown isn't a
>> substantial redesign.
>Can you elaborate? Do you mean adding a new screen before the package
>selection screen?

No, a screen after the package selection which shows all of the packages
which are being installed - which is, I guess, basically what is now
(until your rename change goes live) the "Partial" view.

That's how linux package managers do it.


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