On Thu, 12 Aug 2010 11:59:30 +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

>That's probably a fault in the postinstall scripts.  It would be nice if
>you could provide more details about what fails exactly in the script,
>or better, what in the script has a non-0 exit code.  That would help us
>lazy maintainers to fix the scripts faster.
>Keep in mind that the dialog providing info about failing postinstall
>scripts is very new.  I'm quite sure that we have a couple of scripts
>which return with a non-0 exit code but the maintainers just don't know
>it yet, and I don't take myself out of the picture.

I'm not sure if these faulty postinstall scripts are really THAT
important, I got zero reaction on a bug report with details

and I found out in the meantime that it was already reported in january
and was already a "known error" at that time.


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