On 18 August 2010 15:51, Rodrigo Medina wrote:
> After upgrading to cygwin17.6 the program run changes behavior.
> For example:
> If I start mintty with the followin .bat
>       �...@echo off
>        C:
>        chdir \cygwin\bin
>        run mintty -e '/bin/bash' --login -i
>        exit
> In the mintty window that is started appears the following message:
> /bin/find: failed to restore initial working directory: No such file or
> directory

You can invoke mintty with the cmd.exe built-in 'start' instead of
'run'. Even better, just invoke it directly from a shortcut rather
than from a .bat script, which also avoids a console window flashing
up briefly. The 'mintty' package in setup.exe automatically creates a
suitable shortcut under Cygwin in the start menu.


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