On 20 August 2010 18:20, Nahor wrote:
>  On 2010-08-20 7:50, Jeremy Ramer wrote:
>> After upgrading from cygwin 1.5 to cygwin 1.7 starting a bash shell is
>> much slower.  It usually takes around 4 seconds before I get a prompt.
>>  On cygwin 1.5 it was only around 1 second.  I captured some logs from
>> the startup using this process:
>> - Open cmd shell
>> cd C:\cygwin\bin
>> bash --login -i -x 1>  C:\startlog.txt 2>&1
>> The log is attached. I don't see anything strange except that it seems
>> pretty long. The same process on cygwin 1.5 gives much less output. I
>> can provide that log if needed.
>> Any ideas?
> It's the loading of all the bashcompletion scripts. Move the directory
> /etc/bash_completion.d away and you'll see it's a lot faster.

Perhaps bash completion shouldn't be enabled just by installing it,
because lots of people seem to install everything "just in case".


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