We updated the cygwin installation on one of our systems on 8/26. We
immediately started to experience a very lengthy delay of > 50 seconds
getting the bash prompt, measured beginning when the terminal emulator
window appears. Also bash scripts seem to be taking longer to run than

While investigating, today I updated the cygwin installation on another
machine; and it immediately began to experience the same problem.
Nothing else on this 2nd machine was changed.

The cygwin versions involved are 1.7.6 and 1.7.7. The bash version is

I have another machine with a virtually identical environment as the 2nd
but except it is still running cygwin 1.7.5 and bash 3.2.49(23). It does
not suffer this problem. These are also the versions that were running
on the 2nd machine prior to its "upgrade."

Seeing old reports in this list of all the scripts in bash-completion.d
taking a long time to run, I moved that aside. It made no difference.

I replaced bash.exe on an affected machine with 3.2.49 but the problem
remains so it appears to be a cygwin rather than a bash problem.

These machines all use cyglsa. Suspecting a delay during user
authentication, I re-ran cyglsa-config to ensure the latest dll is
installed; it made no difference.

Needless to say, we do not want to update the cygwin installation on any
other system until this problem is resolved.

The machines are running Windows XP SP3 Japanese version. I am afraid to
update my PC that runs the English version of XP SP3 so I cannot
absolutely confirm it, but I don't think the language version is related
to the problem. It happens without LANG set and when it is set to en_GB
or ja_JP.



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