On 9/1/2010 2:10 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
I rewrote the signal initialization stuff today and have generated a
new snapshot.  Please let me know if this works better for you.  I haven't
actually tried to run a fork per sec.  test yet so there may be other
lurking problems.


On my Win7 x64 system, this snapshot (2010-09-01) doesn't work. Cygwin commands fail to start without any output; and strace just outputs a short exception message:


c:\cygwin\bin>strace bash
--- Process 872, exception C0000005 at 6100600B


If I put the original cygwin1.dll (1.7.7) back, everything works again. I also have sources, and built the latest from CVS, and that cygwin1.dll fails in the same way.


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