On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 08:56:32PM +0000, Saurabh T wrote:
>I was trying to get the "execvp: argument list too long" error to go
>away while using make on cygwin, and followed the instructions mentioned
>in several posts such as this one:

That should no longer be necessary.  Cygwin, by default, has a very long
command line length.

>Accordingly, I did this in my cygwin bash shell:
>mount -X -b -f c:/cygwin/bin /usr/bin
>mount -X -b -f c:/cygwin/bin /bin
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/strace.exe /usr/bin/strace.exe
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/strace.exe /bin/strace.exe
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/cygcheck.exe /usr/bin/cygcheck.exe
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/cygcheck.exe /bin/cygcheck.exe
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/strace.exe /usr/bin/strace
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/strace.exe /bin/strace
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/cygcheck.exe /usr/bin/cygcheck
>mount -x -b -f c:/cygwin/bin/cygcheck.exe /bin/cygcheck
>thinking that they would be temporary as mentioned in some emails on the
>list. Turns out they are temporary on cygwin 1.7 but not on the older
>version which I'm using. I rebooted the machine yet "mount" showed the
>results of above.
>How to I undo the above and get back the original mount state? umount
>does not have the complementary options.

If you are seeing permanent mounts after using mount and rebooting then
you are not running Cygwin 1.7.x.

This is one of the many reasons that we ask people to follow the problem
reporting guidelines at: http://cygwin.com/problems.html .


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