I don't quite understand this behavior:

$ ls C:\\tools\\emacs-23.2\\bin\\runemacs.exe
$ C:\\tools\\emacs-23.2\\bin\\runemacs.exe
bash: C:\tools\emacs-23.2\bin\runemacs.exe: command not found

In particular, why is it that bash does not understand that Windows
pathname when it is used as a command argument, even though bash and
Cygwin clearly understand it when it is used as a command argument?

Is that behavior a bug (e.g., does bash try to judge whether the command
is an absolute vs. relative pathname without either first converting to
a Unix-style pathname or otherwise recognizing Windows-style pathname)?

Or is it some known irregularity (resulting from trying to handle both
Windows- and Unix-style pathnames) that couldn't be resolved?


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