On 09/02/2010 04:49 PM, risin...@nationwide.com wrote:
write a script, I have to remember to put in the shebang line
(#!/bin/pdksh) or half the time my scripts won't work.

Is there a way to change the default shell for cygwin?  I checked the
guide and the FAQ, but no joy there.  I tried setting and exporting the
SHELL variable, but that did not work.

Assuming you meant the default shell for your particular user id, it is
just a matter of changing cygwin.bat or whatever shortcut you are using
to start cygwin to call pdksh instead of bash.  You can also edit
/etc/passwd to set your preferred shell (some tools, like mintty, honor
that setting).

This starts me off in pdksh, but when I execute a shell script, it runs
under bash.

Ah, so you mean how to change /bin/sh to be pdksh instead of bash.  Simple:

cp /bin/{pdk,}sh

But be prepared to redo that every time you upgrade bash via setup.exe, and don't come crying to the list if things break that were expecting bash when they got pdksh.

I did not realize I was commandeering the thread.  My apologies - it won't
happen again.

Merely changing a Subject: line does not change the In-Reply-To: headers that form threading.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
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