I use the mv command to clean up some directories filled with temporary
files. These may or may not be in use by windows.

I used to detect them being in use by windows by mv failing.

Now, mv is simply taking forever.

I'm using cygwin 1.7.7(0.230/5/3), windows 2003 server 32 bits with all
updates on a local NTFS disk.

I remember reading something about this changing in the last release, but
I can't find it in the archives anymore (searching for 'file in use'
didn't work out).

Is there any way to detect if a file is in use by windows before
executing 'mv' (I really, really hope I don't have to use the
'handle.exe' utility, which takes seconds for each file...)?

Alternatively, could mv timeout somewhat earlier? I control-C'ed it
after 15 minutes, which is really too long already.

"You want to save them all, ATerafin?" She laughed, and the laugh
was chilling. "Try, try with my blessings." There was no question
whatever to Margret that the words were a curse, meant to cause
pain; they implied certain failure, and the amusement of the
powerful at the pathetic struggles of those doomed to fail.
        Michelle West - The Shining Court

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