Dave, all:

I'm just wondering why bash, or any shell, in Cygwin, or any environment where it was able to run, would bother creating stack-dump files with headers but no data. I haven't got the knowledge to parse and peruse the cygcheck.out file I created, but I did take a close look at my config files (the ones directly related, by name and function as much as I am aware, to bash -- .bash_profile, .bash_aliases and .bashrc). I also discovered that when this one-line stackdump file is created in the "special" folder I assigned to this batch script I typically use to start rxvt, a totally empty one is created in my home folder.

On the Windows side of things, I happen to be experiencing what I've come to call "black before claque." It's that long lag of black screen betwee the Windows XP splash fading out and one's login prompt screen coming up. I've read on a few sites that appear to be reputable (perhaps M$ among them) that this is a sure sign that one's boot drive is starting to fail. Could this stackdumping be merely a side effect of that.

I started in legacy Mac OS. As boot drives on that side, in those days, failed, even weirder things were bound to happen Imagine every icon in your Apple menu and System Folder going generic but all the other icons everywhere else on the system staying perfectly OK -- until you run Netscape or QuickTime Player -- this was well before iTunes -- and they all "cheese out". (Happened.)

Steve W.

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