Over the years I've read many accounts of setup stalling / hanging / taking forever / ... at the /etc/postinstall stage. This has never, ever, happened to me, and I've always assumed the underlying cause to be some minor local problem with the poster's platform or implementation. Until today. I've tried twice to install Cygwin to a fresh formatted NTFS stick and on both occasions the installation has become stuck at
It's not that everything has halted. The stick's little green activity light is flashing away, and has never stopped; so something is going on - but after 2 hours I'm assuming it's some kind of faulty endless loop rather than the proper progression to completion. Could press Cancel (as I did at the first attempt) but while _something_ is happening I'm inclined to hang around a bit longer, and see. Any clues? Anything odd/ miscast about coreutils.sh which [for the moment] I'm not in a position to scrutinise myself?
Thank you,

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