> > The apache2 package is orphaned for this long period of time already.
> > Maybe it's time to pull it from the distro, unless somebody would
> > like to take over maintainership.
> Apache2 is too important to lose from the distro, so:

I agree.  I've been using the Apache2 binaries to run servers on laptops and 
desktop machines under Cygwin and I would hate to loose it in the distribution. 
It has allowed me to try out changes for larger NIX servers without having to 
worry about repercussions during product tests or production runs.

While I was not able to get the svn modules working under apache2, I believe 
this is because I've been having trouble running the rebase commands on my 
systems.  I wish I knew of a user group in my area that could help newbies 
understand what they were missing or doing wrong when they have problems 
installing or setting up Apache2.

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